"The construction of Guggenheim museum of Bilbao"


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"Painting in myopinion is the world which Ilike moving. It is the way to express my inner world, my memories, my manner of seeing the nature, the people, it is a way to see everything at the same time. It also reflects the reality, but alternating it, composing, adding, playing with the possibilities that composition, colour and movement give to me.

This is the way to express everything I keep inside when I am in front of a model, a countryside or things, etc. I'm seeing images in my mind, which sieves and moulds them. My imagination paints, they're not my hands, I look but I don't see. Sometimes my minds goes quicker running images than my hands can do in a linen. It is a whirl of images (situations)".

""To her good technical job, Rosa Escalona Marín joins something very important : imagination. And that, in an artist means an opened door towards the triumph".


""There is a tendency to the plastic investigation. Her drawing domain stands out with efficiency the anecdote or her subjects which are shown with a clean, vibrant and juicy colouring. "

A. Fernandez Molina (El Día)


Técnica: Óleo sobre tabla con materias.

Medidas: 70 x 80 cms.


"The painting process in Rosa starts from the daily environment, which she takes the ideas from, and these things exposed to an imaginative, fertil and naughty vein, the become done with the contribution of new argumental elements. That belong to a caused reality. An eminently lively painting, a mistery in other matters for the most fervent expressionism. The alchemy of this linens is the result of a wide and mixed palette in which the warm colours prevail; certain effects are reinforced with a moderate and ocassional use of collage".

Jaime Esaín.

Técnica: Óleo sobre tabla, con técnicas aditivas.

Medidas: 55 x 25 cms.


They've told about her work:

Mercedes Marina, Elena F. Echevarría, Margarita Iglesias, Alejandra F. Moreno, Jaime Esaín, Antonio Fernández Molina, Angel Azpeitia, Jaime Angel Cañellas, Antonio de Santiago, Agustín Romo, Antonio Campoy y José Pérez Guerra.


Técnica: Barniz blando; aguafuerte; aguatinta; punta seca.
Medida placha: 50 x 40 cms.

Estampado por la autora en su propio taller.

Finalista en el certamen "Carmen Arozena". G. Tórculo. Madrid (1997)


"Rosa Escalona is an artist with notable training, she uses several materials to perform a work with great pictorical values.

They are oils, gouaches, watercolours, all running over paper or material, achievements that take the nature like a point of reference to be a nest of tones with balances and concordances".

Alejandra F. Moreno

(El Punto de las Artes).


Técnica: Óleo sobre tabla con materias.

Medidas: 77 x 40 cms.


Biographic Notes:

She was born in Madrid and she was living in Vizcaya from 1968 to 1984, afterwards she moved to Aragón where she was living until 1988, when she goes to Madrid where she is living at present.

She's been trained in the painting and drawing speciality in the Artistic Reproductions Museum of Bilbao and in the Fine Arts Faculty of Bilbao and Madrid, in the speciality of sculpture in the technical college of Zaragoza and in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Bilbao. At present she is studing the speciality of graphic tracing engraving in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid.

She's taken part in over 90 collective exhibitions and competitions, getting some prizes and nominations.

Latest she has shown her work in Schwabach (Germany) and in New York, "Homage to New York City" in the Goya Art Gallery, 588- Broadway- New York, N.Y. 10012, October 1994, and in the same gallery "Summer Room New York City" August 1995, and "Winter Room" December 1995; "Prize Carlos Haes", in the XIII Plastic Arts Competition of the Civil Engineers College in Madrid, May 1995; FIFTH PAINT in the Faculty of Fine Arts in the university Complutense of Madrid, 1995; "Exhibition as homage to Francisco de Goya", Madrid, February 1996; "Graphic Art Competition for Young Creators". Royal College of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid, May 1996; and 63 Autumn Room, Madrid, 1996.

Between the mean individual exhibitions that she has made they are notorious those celebrated in the Richelieu Gallery, Madrid 1985; Caja de Ahorros of Madrid, in Zaragoza, 1986; Bonanza Room, Zaragoza 1986, Room M_TRO (The Sanctuary), Zaragoza 1987; Women Gallery, (watercolours of women's nudes), Zaragoza 1987; Art Gallery Atrium, Zaragoza 1988; Art Gallery Blasco de Garay, Madrid 1989; Burgo Centro Art Gallery, Las Rozas (Madrid) 1990; La Nouvelle Galerie, Schwabach (Germany) 1990; Civic Centre (Las Matas 1991; Caja de Ahorros de Schwabach, Rot (Germany) 1991; Xeito Gallery, Madrid 1995.

She has works in several museums like the Fine Art Museum of Vitoria, The National of Painting of the Larrés Castle Museum (Huesca), the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando Museum (Madrid), the Romanic Church of Sotosalbos Museum (Segovia), the City Hall of Paniza (Zaragoza), el Fondo Patrimonial Caja de Madrid, The Institute "María Moliner (Zaragoza), The City Hall of las Rozas (Madrid)...


Acuarela sobre papel.
Mancha: 50 x 70 cms



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